My current project (Beyond Maximalism: The Role of Domestic Political Institutions in the Making and Reception of Excessive State Claims [CLAIMAX]), supported by the European Commission’s Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions, investigates the ways in which domestic political institutions influences the making and reception of maximalist state claims. The project-related documents, working papers, and data will be shared in a separate section on this website in due course.
More generally, my research lies at the intersection of international security, international law, and domestic politics. I rely on original data to examine the determinants of state claims and disputes, focusing on domestic political institutions and international law.
You can find some of my work below:
The Domain of International Adjudication: Why Sovereign States Abandon Decision Control (with Fuad Zarbiyev) (under contract with the Cambridge University Press)
The Law Behind Dispute Onset: How Legal Uncertainty Drives Maritime Boundary Disputes, Journal of Conflict Resolution (online first)
The Defocalizing Effect of International Courts: Evidence from Maritime Delimitation Practices (with Ezgi Yildiz), Review of International Organizations (online first)
Legal Uncertainty and the Making of Maritime Boundaries. In Uncertainty in Global Politics, eds. Anastasia Shesterinina and Miriam Matejova. London: Routledge, 101–16.
Understanding the Limitations of Behaviouralism: Lessons from the Field of Maritime Delimitation (with Ezgi Yildiz), German Law Journal 23(3), 171-195.
Resource Disputes in the Eastern Mediterranean. In: Gray K. W. (eds) Global Encyclopedia of Territorial Rights. Springer, Cham.
Advanced working papers*
International Courts and Selective Restraint in Times of Backlash (with Ezgi Yildiz)
When Does ISDS Go Too Far? Arbitration Claim Sensitivity and Reduction of Foreign Investor Protection in International Investment Agreements (with Leopoldo Biffi and Thomas Schultz)
*Please feel free to contact me for a copy of the latest drafts.